Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Today, I joined a violin club. We rehearse four times a week! The catch is, you only show up when you feel like it. Today, we were three. I was put to the test! I suspect that only I was sight-reading.

Today, earlier today, I laid down the law. Said I:

I don't REALLY care if you giggle and text while your classmates are presenting


it's RUDE


I will give you a LOW GRADE if you

keep up this nonsense

now DON'T MAKE ME try to say this in RUSSIAN!


  1. Dearest Siberian Pen Pal: Your posts bring me such joy, to know that a whole new part of the world is getting to know Leo Brown.

    P.S. I have a recipe to send you...

  2. :)

    I will try not to be too strict, but I am just naturally so strict!

  3. the girls are probably texting each other!

    they could earn text time - do they get a break?

    you could bring a decorative phone basket to deposit phones upon entering, retrieval after class

    how old are your vibrant students?

  4. They aren't even texting that much - mostly they just giggle. Age 18-21, with a couple of outliers.
