Monday, October 3, 2011

Today was pretty exhausting, so far - my "busy Monday." The news articles I brought in to discuss with the students turned out to be too hard for a couple of the classes, so I had to improvise. They are surprisingly happy to engage with group discussions or impromptu "pair presentations," and I am never at a loss for controversial issues to assign, so that's a good fallback.

I just now stuffed myself full of a splendid tuna salad, assembled with a dash of tartar sauce, a heap of slivered cabbage, cucumber+parm sandwichettes on the side. I went a little overboard with the cabbage, so I made a kapusta salad (a Russian thing) with the leftovers - olive oil, a bit of mayo, black pepper, balsamic vinaigrette. To be snacked later this evening.

Cabbages in my life have such inertia, but I love them so. For weeks, one will sit in my fridge, we eye one another on the daily, awaiting the fatal slices and chops. I put off the chore for another day, I regret my purchase, why not just crack an egg, but then when I finally do the deed, it is so crunchy and refreshing! A blast of flavor, just a passage removed from the dirt beneath our toes!

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