Monday, November 28, 2011

-9.8 C

Just bought some tea leaves, which I wasn't expecting. But now I can make tea from leaves! Many wonderful things happen when you can't read the labels. Challenges, possibilities, failures, improvisation, rebound, catharsis, calm.



Сейчас купил листовой чай, хотя и не предполагал делать этого. А теперь я могу заваривать чай из листочков! Много замечательных вещей происходит, когда не читаешь этикетки. Трудности, возможности, неудачи, импровизация, отдача, катарсис, спокойствие.


Friday, November 25, 2011

-17.5 C

I was sitting in my office today, bumbling around on the Internet in search of material for my class of teachers. My concern was that they would not go for the narration and miming party I've been doing with my other classes.

In marched two young women. They would be putting on a comedy show at one of Novosibirsk's premier theatres, the Palace of the Railway Workers' Culture. I must attend!

Well, I have a performance of my own on that day, as it happens. The Violin Ensemble of the Novosibirsk State Technical University! Perhaps you've heard.

Well no, I don't know what time my performance will be. I'm not sure where it is, no. I know the street. Yes, it is a rather long street, I realize.

But I needn't worry! There will be another comedy performance, this one in February! Surely, I haven't made plans.

No, I haven't.

They did not leave until I had given my phone number. Email would not do. I probably could have kicked them out somehow, but I'm sure they are harmless.


Я сидел в своём офисе сегодня, гуляя по Интернету в поисках материалов к своему уроку для преподавателей. Меня беспокоил то, что им бы не понравилась форма с повествованием и мимами, которую я устраивал с другими группами.

В офис вошли две девушки. Они играют в комедийном спектакле в одном из лучших театров Новосибирска - Дворец Культуры Железнодорожников. Мне надо прийти!

Ну, у меня тоже выступление в этот день, на самом деле. Ансамбль Скрипачей НГТУ! Может быть, вы слышали.

Да нет, я не знаю во сколько моё выступление. Я не совсем знаю, где оно будет, нет. Знаю, на какой улице! На длинной улице, да.

Мне не надо беспокоиться! Будет ещё другой комедийный спектакль в феврале! Конечно, у меня нет пока планов.

Нет, я ещё не планировал ничего.

Они не уходили до тех пор, пока я не дал им свой номер. Электронный адрес не хотели. Наверное, я мог бы выпроводить их из комнаты как-нибудь, но я уверен, что они безвредны.

Monday, November 21, 2011

-11.7 C

My mug is rich with stains from green tea. I do not hold back. It's nice when you don't have to use any restraint whatsoever in some tiny aspect of life. Why would I not drink green tea?

I saw my friend for the first time in a couple of weeks. "Do you need a kitten?" she asked.

I do need a kitten, I really do. And this kitten needs me. But I will be traveling, and in June I will be leaving, and maybe I will not be the best caretaker for this kitten. And kittens are forbidden in the dorm.

I read that immigrant kittens have to be quarantined for a good while. That would not be such a nice way to see America for the first time.


Моя кружка в тёмных пятнах от зелёного чая. Я не удержался. Это приятно, когда совсем не надо сдерживаться в каком-то маленьком аспекте жизни. Почему бы мне не пить зелёный чай?

Я встретился с моей подругой первый раз за две недели. "Тебе нужен котёнок?" - спросила она.

Мне нужен котёнок, очень. И этому котёнку нужен я. Но я буду путешествовать, и в июне уезжаю, и из-за этого я, может быть, был бы не лучшим хозяином для этого котёнка. И котята запрещены в обшаге.

Я прочитал, что ввозимые котята долго остаются на карантине. Это быо был не самым приятным способом знакомства с Америкой.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

-4.9 C

A tough week with too much to do and ponder.  On top of that, a kitchen incident involving cabbage that has left me, well...still functional!

I'm home from my second presentation at the American Corner.  Tonight, I told them what I know and think about the history and future of student activism.  I had done a good deal of preparation, but what with racist graffiti at Williams and the booting of Occupy, I hardly needed a plan.

So now it is me and Fyodor and Puppy and Grey Bear, having a boys night, breathing deep, listening to our souls as they shuffle around.


Это сложная неделья - слишком много вещей нужно сделать и обдумать. Кроме того, к тому же, было кухное происшествие с капустой, которое оставило меня, ну…пока ещё функционирующим!

Я дома после моей второй презентации в Американском Уголке. Сегодня вечером я рассказал всё, что знаю и думаю об истории и будущеем студенческого активизма. Я долго готовился перед презентацией, но с расистским граффитом в Уиллиямзе и выселением Оккупации мне не нужно было никакой подготовки.

Итак, сейчас мы здесь с Фёдором и Собачкой и Серым Медведем проводим свободную ночь, дышим глубоко, прислушиваемся к нашим душам, пока они витаят вокруг.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

-5.1 C

When you're on the bus from Gorno-Altaisk to Novosibirsk, and you are suddenly alone, and the bus is not moving, and the lights are on,

I thought that when people started debussing, it was just another small city station on the long road north. But no.

We have arrived at a Siberian rest stop! Cabbage! Pork! Ice cream! Beer! Twenty minutes, the driver told me, though I haven't a clue when these twenty minutes began.

And here I am, back on the bus and rolling on, my gut loaded with some of what this bazaar in the tundra thrust upon my plate. 142 kilometers ahead, my bed is horizontal and ready to receive my ripe form.


Когда едешь на автобусе из Горно-Алтайска в Новосибирск, и ты срочно один, и автобус стационарый, и светы выключены,

Я подумал, что когда пассажиры начали выйти, был просто eщё другой городок на длинной дороге на север. Да нет.

Мы приехали в сибирскую остановку отдыха! Капуста! Свинина! Мороженое! Пиво! Через двадцать минут, сказал водитель, хотя совсем не знаю, когда эти двадцать минут начались.

Итак, вот здесь я, ещё раз в автобусе и дальше еду, наелся тем, что этот базар в тундре мне бросалю. 142 километров дальше, мой кровать горизонтальный и готов получить моё спелоё тело.

Friday, November 11, 2011

-9.2 C

As part of my effort to learn Russian, I hereby present: bilingual posts!  Please root out and correct my errors.

I'm taking the night bus to Gorno-Altaisk in a couple of hours.  My fellow Fulbrighter Dani and I have big plans to make borsch with some of my beets.  Borsch is better made with a friend (I assume).

I'll be sure to water my plant before I leave!  I've decided to name him Fyodor, partially because it is Fyodor Dostoevsky's birthday, and partially because I don't know any Russians here named Fyodor.


Я представляю вам двуязычные заметки, как часть моих усилий выучить русский язык! Пожалуйста, найдите и исправьте мои ошибки.

Я поеду в Горно-Алтайск ночным автобусом через несколько часов.  Мы с моей подругой Дани собираемся приготовить борщ из моей свёклы. Борщ, приготовлённый вместе с друзьями, лучше, считаю.

Я не забуду полить моё растение перед тем, как уеду!  Я решил назвать его Фёдором, отчасти потому, что сегодня день рождения Фёдора Достоевского, и отчасит потому, что я здесь ещё не встречал русских с этим именем.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

-8.1 C

A Russian handshake is full and meaty. Thick.

A Russian handshake will find you.

A Russian handshake will tickle your notion of how things are, because maybe you haven't been thinking about things very carefully.

You are a representative of mankind!

A Russian handshake does not consider who, or what, or where, or why you thought you need to be.

A Russian handshake marches towards, and through, and beyond any mortal revolution.

In Russia, hands shake you.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

5.3 C

I don't think I've ever been in a concert that I knew less about. Yesterday was some sort of International Festival, and so naturally, violin club played our ever-popular "Jewish Fantasy." A medley of Hava Nagila, Hatikva, etc. The Russians eat it up.

They shoved us onstage in between the Georgian choir and an Imperial court troupe. We played our gig, plowed though the mass of tiny peasant dancers waiting in the wings, and went home. Actually, after that, we went to the train station, where we then played our entire repertoire for a hall full of unsuspecting travelers. And then we went home.

Friday, November 4, 2011

4.8 C

I've decided to include the temperature in each post. As you can see, we're doing OK. I was worried that the streets and sidewalks would be frozen until April, but I'm told that the weather now is what spring feels like. I look forward to spring!

I went to this great cafe with some new friends. I think the theme was Arab, or Muslim, or maybe "the Orient," or maybe "countries where it's hot."

I also took off my jacket and revealed that I have dietary restrictions up the wall. It's just as well to break that news gently and on a second or third date. That way, I don't need to explain myself to every single person I meet, especially if it's hard to say whether I'll see that person again. Also, if I tell people how complicated I am right away, maybe they will run away before getting emotionally involved!

So yes, it is a sign of true friendship and commitment.

And these true friends understood why I asked what type of meat is in this soup, and they understood why it was funny when the waitress said, "sausage"

OK great thanks

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I have finally figured out how to use my oven, which involves getting a rack from the administrator on the first floor, and now my head is swimming with inspiration. I have a strong urge to buy and roast an entire chicken. I have an even stronger urge to take all of the ingredients I own and mix them together in my pan, stuffing this into that, sprinkling the rest atop.

Earlier today, I took a thirty minute pause. It was not at all a nap, though I could have used one. I remember at Williams, some of the most stressful days came when all I did was work and sleep. Being awake for a pause can help.

It is true that during this particular pause, I rushed to the computer twice to do things that I had been meaning to do. But this, too, was relaxing, and a relief.

My class and I cooked the squash, with only minor complications, and soon we will consume it at Halloween Party #3.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I figured it would be a rather dull discussion about obesity in America, the importance of nutrition and exercise, etc. Instead, I learned a few basic truths that were obvious to everyone else in the room.

*Hot food is healthier than cold food. If it's cold, heat it up. Especially cereal. Bag lunches aren't healthy because they are cold.

*Sandwiches make you fat. All they are are bread and meat. And mayo.

*Americans are genetically predisposed to be fat. Don't believe it? Look at the Brits. They are thin enough, and all they do is stand around eating sandwiches and drinking beer.

*Brits are also genetically predisposed to be kind of fat. You can tell because British women are a little fatter than Russians, Poles, and Bulgarians. My husband noticed this when he traveled to London for a business trip.

Take note!
I'm off to get my multi-entry visa. As of now, if I leave Russia, I will not be allowed back in. So I'll spend the morning shuffling around on the ice, getting visa photos snapped in a street stand, begging a bank to accept my 1000 rubles, and acting like my whole situation is very straightforward, and only a fool would not understand. I find it helps to imagine I'm a Zamboni.