Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A full day of class today (beginning at 11:50). Now it is time to cook some onions, spinach, chicken, black pepper, olive oil, buckwheat.

My schedule now feels much more manageable now that I know the students. Pretty much across the board, they are engaged, respectful, and active. A bit shy at times.

I spent a good chunk of today's class time exploring my own agenda and discussing the prospect of environmental activism. Serendipitously, that is the assigned topic for the next few weeks, so I am vigorously picking their brains. That's a figure of speech I taught today: to pick a brain.

For the most part, they have an answer as to why every hopeful idea will not work. They told me of many failed projects, their sense of national apathy, and frustration with a corrupt government and police force. No point in imposing large fines for littering, this will just give the police an opening to take bribes.

In spite of their gloomy outlook, my students were happy to entertain a naive American and a vision of a cleaner, safer world. So far, nine of them have signed up for my proposed club, in which we will educate ourselves, discuss, and act.


  1. I'm sure you could easily get your hands on chicken "parts" pretty easily over there. I made a delicious dish with chicken hearts out on Martha's Vineyard one summer.

  2. Littering is a habit.Don't get yourself put in jail, Leo Brown!

    shana tova - in far away Novosibersk, where will a fellow attend a service, and have a meal to celebrate the new year??

    hmmmmmm Jews are everywhere, waiting to be found.

  3. What frustrating situation! sdlkjrkej!

    But I think you're doing the best in making individuals more aware of pollution. Hopefully they'll hopefully spread their ideas and make others more informed!

  4. I don't know, Sato. Everyone knows that pollution is bad - I don't have any ideas that they haven't heard already. It's more of an attitude problem. But I'll see how my club goes, maybe it will get someone fired up.
