Friday, September 23, 2011

I took a risk and opened my door. There stood three hall-neighbors, all exceedingly curious and not at all interested in speaking English. Jackpot.

knock knock knock knock knock

"Who is it?"

"Open the door!"

"Who are you?"



"We want have chat with you!"

Long story short, I peeped my nose through the crack and all was well. Such tame and sociable Russians. I think tomorrow, we're going to all hang out and get to know each other.


  1. Did you have chat?

    I'll figure out a way to read your blog on my phone so I can catch up with your adventures on my walk in to the hospital in the morning. Good luck with the beginning of your classes. And I hope your luggage shows up at some point with most of the original contents.

  2. We had chat! I think there is a blogger app that might work on your phone?

  3. What were their names? Have you met Sergei yet? He lives in the 3rd floor and works in the accounting office.

  4. Hmm, I think they were Igor, Sergei, and Andrei, but they live on the 4th and 7th floors. Maybe Sergei moved?

  5. ok, I think I know who you're talking about. Just the Andrei fellow, but we never talked.
