4.8 C
I've decided to include the temperature in each post. As you can see, we're doing OK. I was worried that the streets and sidewalks would be frozen until April, but I'm told that the weather now is what spring feels like. I look forward to spring!
I went to this great cafe with some new friends. I think the theme was Arab, or Muslim, or maybe "the Orient," or maybe "countries where it's hot."
I also took off my jacket and revealed that I have dietary restrictions up the wall. It's just as well to break that news gently and on a second or third date. That way, I don't need to explain myself to every single person I meet, especially if it's hard to say whether I'll see that person again. Also, if I tell people how complicated I am right away, maybe they will run away before getting emotionally involved!
So yes, it is a sign of true friendship and commitment.
And these true friends understood why I asked what type of meat is in this soup, and they understood why it was funny when the waitress said, "sausage"
OK great thanks
'a LITTLE bit of sausage....'
ReplyDeleteThis link will help one with temperature math.
Thanks - I think I'm already "thinking in Celsius!